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Thursday, June 5, 2008

You CAN Make Money While You Sleep

It’s a crying shame really. So many people have tried to follow the Internet dream. They’ve heard the stories of others who quit their day jobs, wake up whenever they choose, take leisurely lunches with friends, shop for hours on end without one worry about how to pay for their purchases, buy new cars and pay cash for them, and make money hand over fist while they sleep. Naturally, these people would drool over the thought of being able to do the same for themselves.

However, as the landslide of people all across the globe began to flock to the ‘Net much like they did to California in the gold-rush days, they find that making money while you sleep might be a myth. They wonder if they’ve just been led astray by wicked, evil people with nothing better to do than make fools out of innocent, hardworking folks.

What is the answer? Can you make money online? CAN you make money while you sleep? I don’t mean an extra $200 a month to pay for groceries, but a real living. If so, how do you go about it?

It’s True! I’m Doing It Myself!

First of all, it’s not a myth. I can honestly tell you that I am making a full-time living online. And yes, there have been many mornings where I’ve awakened, turned on my computer, and found notifications of sales that occurred during the night. I AM making money while I sleep, and you can, too.

Let me tell you what I think probably happened to generate this long-standing myth.

The early Internet pioneers discovered ways to make automated income. They realized this was a wonderful thing and began to spread the news to everyone they knew. Then, however, those unscrupulous types (you know... the jerks) saw this as an easy way to make a fast buck. They began preaching that making automated income online was as easy as pouring yourself a glass of water. In essence, they told half the story. As more and more people tried to make a living online and failed, the promise of making money while you sleep became fiction instead of fact.

So How Do You Do It?

What’s the real truth? How can you make a full-time living online just like me? There are several ways. Let me give you the unvarnished gospel when it comes to online business. You may not like what you hear, but it is fact, not fluff.

Plan, Plan, Plan - It won’t happen overnight. Nothing good ever does. In the beginning, you’re going to create a plan then be ready to work that plan. You often hear about throwing up a website and making money while you sleep. Technically, yes, that’s all there is to it. But... how does that site get up on the ‘Net?

You have to create your site or have someone else create it. That means you have to take the time to learn professional website development (PLEASE, don’t create some junky, homemade-looking site!), or you have to pay someone who already knows how to create websites. And what will you have on your site? Your own products? (Having your own e-products is highly recommended.) Someone else’s products? You’ll need to decide before your site is created.

How will people pay for the products they buy from your site? Do you have a merchant account? Will you become an affiliate for someone else so you don’t need a payment system?

Will you go for high search engine rankings or rely on word-of-mouth, PPC ads, and other types of paid advertising? If you want good search engine optimization, you’ll have to plan for that upfront. Again, you’ll have to take time to learn how to do it or pay someone else who already knows how.

Before you take one more step toward launching your own Web business, find the answers to the questions above.

Be Ready to Work - Once your site is ready to launch, how will people find you? How, exactly, will you drive qualified visitors to your site? Will you use organic (free) search engine listings? Will you use Pay-Per-Click search engine ads? Will you buy ezine ads? Do you have other means for getting customers to visit your site? People won’t just come out of the blue, you’ll have to bring them to your site somehow.

Even if you choose to go for the organic search engine listings, you’ll have about a 4-week to 4-month wait before seeing your new site listed. What will you do in the meantime to drum up business?

How Will You Keep It Going? - Prosperous businesses are continually growing to keep up with customer demands. How will you keep your online business moving forward? Will you do research into what consumers want? Will you guess? Will you just follow the crowd?

You’ll want to have some method for gauging customer responses so you can know what your site visitors want and how to provide it for them.

One such way is to use Survey Monkey (http://www.surveymonkey.com). You can create online surveys in order to keep up with the needs/wants of your site visitors.

Service Is Key! - In order to make it in the long run, you simply must provide exceptional customer service to your clients. Those who lie, steal, cheat, or hide are destined to fail.

Understand this: Your success depends on your customers’ success. If they aren’t happy, you won’t be in business long. Make every effort to treat them as the kings and queens they are.

See? The people who turned the "make money while you sleep" fact into fiction did so because they skipped all the important information. Now that you know what to expect, you can see that it is most definitely possible to make a full-time living online. It is even possible to make money while you sleep. However, you must have a plan, be ready to work, look for ways to keep your business growing, and treat your customers as true V.I.P.s.

When you do, you’ll have all the tools you need to develop a long-standing business that - with time - will produce for you.

5 Powerful Ways to Make Money Online with a Website

There are many ways to make money online and the best way for you is to simply be creative with your skills, knowledge, and abilities. However, the following five options are powerful ways to make money online with a website and definite something you should consider.

#1 Knowledge
You can always sell your knowledge, which many times is the best way if you are an “expert” of any type or subject matter. People are looking for your knowledge and input, regardless if it is self taught, learned in college, or wherever. People are always looking for answers online, so if you sell your knowledge you can simply make money from what you know.

#2 Affiliate Programs
Become an affiliate for products based on your website theme and then simply promote these programs where you earn money from referrals. It is easier than it sounds and only takes you creating a website full of rich content.

#3 Hard Goods
Selling hard goods is a traditional way of making money and it transfers to the online forum as well. No matter what hard goods you have to sell you can certainly find a buyer online. Create a website that focuses on your goods, have a good shipping plan in place, and then start selling online.

#4 E-books
Selling e-books, articles, and other written materials is also a powerful way to make money online and if you are good at writing it is certainly something you should consider. You can have your own website selling pre-written topics or else you can also write on demand, whatever works best for you and your web business.

#5 Auction Goods
Auction web sites are also very powerful ways to make money. The reason for this is you can sell a wide variety of products, do not necessarily need your own website although it helps, and can change your products from time to time as you need to. Many people enjoy working and selling via auction sites because any number of things can be sold from old personal items to new products as well.

The best way for you to make money online is for you to do something that you like and enjoy. When you do some thing you like and enjoy you will be able to commit yourself to doing it fulltime. The reason for this is working online can be difficult at times and if you do not enjoy it then it will be difficult for you to be successful making money via your website.

5 Proven Successful Internet Marketing Business Models

Here is a common question asked by new internet marketers:

How can a new internet marketer make money online?

There are many ways by which you could earn online. Here are some proven successful methods, as well as some useful tips to help you maximize your earning potential in each one of them:

1. Affiliate Marketing

You could earn as an affiliate. An affiliate is a middleman between the merchant and the customer. Basically, the affiliate only has to look for a customer and pre-sell the affiliate merchant’s products.

Pre-selling is easier than actually selling the goods. You would only have to capture the potential customer’s interest and lead him to the affiliate merchant’s site. If a sale is made, you’ll receive commissions that ranges from 5% to 95% of the actual price of the product sold.

Enticing, isn’t it? But wait, there’s more! You could enroll in as many affiliate programs as you wish. This means that the earning possibilities in this area are virtually limitless!

For more in-depth affiliate marketing technique, I highly recommend this Affiliate Marketing Guide:

2. Create Info Product

You could earn as an info product creator. You could write an eBook or a special report on a subject that you are very much familiar with. Afterwards, you could market the same for profit.

Do not let the word “creator” fool you, however. You could earn from this field even if you don’t create anything. If you don’t have the time to come up with your own product, you could always hire the services of a ghostwriter to write one for you. Just make sure that the ghostwriter you’ll contract is trustworthy, and more importantly, has excellent writing skills.

Or you can buy private label products that you can brand the products with your name, here is a collection of digital products that you can brand your name as the creator right now:

3. Resale Rights Products

You could earn as a resale rights marketer. You don’t have to create, or cause the creation, of info products.

You could simply buy the resale rights of existing ones and take care of the marketing. In so doing, every product that is sold would net for your profits to keep.

Here is a good collection of resale rights products that you can choose:

4. Public Domain Content

You could earn from public domain information. Works before 1923, and to a certain extent, those before 1978, are deemed free to use.

This means that you could republish the said works, or alter them if you wish, for profit.

Republish classic literature as electronic books. Compile timeless poems into comprehensive collections. Print masterpieces and sell them as posters. And you don’t have to pay their creators and royalty fees!

Many marketers are earning big adsense check by just publishing public domain content on the web. Here is a software that can make this easier:

5. Provide Service
You could earn as a service provider. If you’re good with a particular craft that could be done digitally, then you could lease out your services for the many Internet denizens the world over.

If you have excellent writing skills, for example, you could peddle your services as a ghostwriter, or as a copywriter even.

If you’re good with web designs, you could make websites for other people and earn a generous sum in the process.

Put in time and effort and you will earn

You see, these are only some of the many ways by which you could earn money from the Internet. There are other means of course, like paid to surf and paid to read programs, but really, nothing beats the assurance of an actual business that the above models provide.

You will be in charge of your own fate, and your earning potential will depend on how much time and effort you will invest in your chosen venture.

Huge Content Rich Websites for Profit

Here is the bare bone - no hype information and a link to the website I built using these techniques. So I not going to lie to you about how much money you can make or how much I made. Simply put, people are making money with these kinds of sites, I just want a piece of the action. This article assumes you have a basic knowledge of HTML, Google Adsense, and Affiliate Advertising.

We've all heard the phrases "Content is King" and "If content is King, then relevance is Queen!". So I'm going to share with you how to build a site based on these principles for profit! I built a 1000+ page content rich website in about 2 days. Check it out at http://articleupdates.com

Website Building tools:

I used DreamWeaver as my html editor. Any good html editor will work such as Frontpage. Go to download.com and search for "html editor". Coffeecup is a very popular free editor. Basically you need a good editor that will update links site wide automatically. Give you reports on broken links, and do search and replace site wide, file specific, and etc... Also very important is a good table building capability.

For the content I pulled articles from various free content sites. As long as you adhere to the terms of fair use, you will have access to thousands of content rich articles that you can put in your own website.

Get a simple clipart cd with 150,000 royalty free images from Bestbuy for $20.

Then plug in your affiliate codes for google adsense, clickbank, and commission junction.

You don't have to be an html expert. Just having some basic programming knowlege is enough. For example, understanding head, body, and building tables. Inserting variables and doing global changes. Any good html editor will help with that. You really need to become an expert at building tables. They are fast loading and can really make an impact on a site. If you are into css, even better!

Key Features for SEO: Keyword Rich and Relevant!

Building with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind. Use these techniques when building your site!

Niche Site: Pick a very specific topic. I chose "Making Money Online with Content Rich Sites" for this example.

Use a simple structure. Index page to "Index of Articles". Then "Index of Articles" to each individual article page. Two levels, easy to manage, easy to spider!

Make your site surfer friendly: No hidden pages, re-directs, pop-ups, spyware, java, or scripts. Just use ".html" files with text links to full text content rich pages which are also easily spidered with useful relevant information for the visitor. Include lots of articles including a few unique pages that you have written yourself.

Now start building your basic template for all the pages on your site. How you build your template will greatly depend on what editor and tools you'll be using. For example: most times you'll do something like Huge Content Rich Websites for Profit. When you go to build your 1000+ page site, the editor will replace the title tag with the appropriate text dynamically.

Title Tag and Description Tags and all other meta tags should be relevant and keyword rich.

Page Title
- Use relevant keywords on each index page to the articles
- Use the article title which will have additional relevant keywords for each article page.

H1 Tags - Keyword rich and relevant ex: "Make Money Online", "Home Based Business"

H2 Tags - Use the article title in the article pages. ex: "10 Ways To Make Money Online"

robot.txt file for spiders - just a simple two line file in your root directory
User-agent: *

Body text - Use content rich articles. Also use high color contrast between the text and the background so the search engine doesn't think your trying to hide anything and penalize you. Plus it's just plain easier to read. Use arial or verdana font.

URLs, File Names, and Directories - use the article title
ex: http://articleupdates.com/i-home-business/five-ways-to-increase-your-affiliate-sales.html

Inbound links: Set up link partners. If you can, have them place the link to your site using a keyword instead of the domain name itself. ex: Make Money Online Click Here.

Outbound links: Do the same for your link partners. Set up links using text that is relevant to their topic which should be relevant to your site but not competing if possible. If you sell computers, link to a company that sells computer desks.

Make same site links with relevant text. ex: "make money at home" will link to a page within your own site.

Make Image alt text use primary keywords. ex: "money online"

Add HTML comment tags that use primary keywords. These are not seen buy the surfer, but can be seen by search engine spiders. No one has proven this helps, but it doesn't hurt!

Now add money making adsense and affiliate links on every page. Put them top center between the article title and article content. Adjust the colors so that is blends in with your web page content.

Google adsense will pick up the page title, h1 and h2 tags to target the ad. When someone clicks on it, you get paid!.

Once you have these basic things set up in your template, you need to use a powerful tool called Article Equalizer. With a little practice, you'll be able to build 1000+ page websites in just a day or two. The link to Article Equalizer is http://hop.clickbank.net/?mark6188/articleeq

Another important thing you can do: Add dynamic RSS content by keyword. I'll follow up on this in my next article.

Currency Exchanging...Turning Computers into Cash Registers

By the time you finish reading this you’ll know all about
the newest way to make money online. It’s called Currency

When I say Currency Exchanging people often think that I
mean Foreign Exchange, Day Trading, Buying and Selling of
Stocks and things that involve risk. This is totally

In reality, there are global currency exchanges available
that will pay you in excess of 20% of your working capital
in a period of days, all risk-free.

This is a business that you can do from home with your
computer. There’s no selling involved. There’s no
recruiting involved because this is not a multi-level
marketing company or an affiliate program of any kind. Once
you know what to do you don’t need anyone else to make a
nice daily income for yourself.

I came across this program by accident late last year.

In November of 2004, I learned how to set everything up and
put $500 in which started making money right away. I
decided to take a little break through the Christmas
holidays and by the end of January 2005 I had made over
$13,000 profit with very little work.

Once you’ve made this money you can cash-out and spend it
with a debit card or use your profits to buy units of Gold
and put this money into a portfolio that will pay you a
risk-free 2% a day.

On the downside there is a small learning curve and you’ll
need a computer that’s connected to the internet.

As far as making money is concerned, this system has 2
parts. The Console and the Portfolio.

Let’s start with the Console first. The easiest way to
understand how you make money with your console is to use
the example of the ATM machine at your local gas station…….
Imagine that you are the person who fills the ATM with fresh
$20 bills every 3 or 4 days. When you put your money in the
machine you are paid a nice commission and when the money
is all used up you also get a bonus as well. You see an ATM
machine never loses
money because it always charges that $2.00 service fee for
every withdrawl that’s made. These fees are used to pay you
your commissions and bonuses.

The company’s name is DX Gold and they are a reputable
financial network kind of like Paypal or Stormpay but 1000
times bigger. Major corporations and businesses are using
DX for transferring millions of dollars globally for making
purchases and sending huge payrolls… 1.7 Trillion dollars a
day to be exact.

Now let’s say a businessman in Japan wanted to buy some
Persian rugs from a company in Arabia. The Japanese would
have Yen to spend and the Arabian would expect to be paid
in his currency, which is Dinars. This is where a common
“go-between” like DX Gold makes perfect sense. The Japanese
sends his payment through
DX Gold where it is put into the Arabian’s account, but he
can’t touch it just yet. The Arabian sends the carpets to
Japan and a couple of days later they arrive. Everything
checks out and the Japanese businessman gives the OK to DX
Gold to release the
funds to the Arabian. DX Gold collects it’s fee and both
parties are protected and happy with the results. They’ll
probably do business this way, again and again.

DX Gold doesn’t use a bank for their funding. Over the last
5 years they’ve perfected a much more efficient way to do
this and that’s where you and I come in. We become, what is
know in the industry as Money Merchants. And we are paid
handsomely to supply funding with bonuses and commissions.
This can be
$5-$50-$500 to $5,000 or more depending on the current
demand…..which is always high. When you put money in you
receive an instant commission of 3-5% and when this money
is given back you receive a bonus of 6-9%. Your payments
are securely made to your own account and all information
is supplied to you in one place…Your Console.

Here’s where it gets interesting…DX Gold is owned by GDT.
GDT holds the patent on the Retinal Scan. You see the
eyeball is like a human fingerprint except much
better……10,000 defining points on the eyeball …..Not
letters or numbers….but symbols….When the eyeball is
scanned you have a 10,000 symbol password that is
impossible to hack or crack. Now…..What is the number one
concern on the Internet today?…..Security, right.
Security from Fraud and Identity Theft! DX Gold will be
the only global financial network with a Retinal Scan.

Are you starting to see the Big Picture?

This business has been around for about 5 years but unless
you know someone who’s involved that can show you what to
do, (you won’t lose any money), but you can make a lot
more, a lot quicker.

It gets even better when you add your Portfolio profits.
Income that you’ve made with your console and money that
you want to invest can be used to buy increments of Gold
from over 150 registered companies worldwide. This adds to
your portfolio’s diversification and any money in this Gold
Portfolio receives 2% interest every day.

If that weren’t enough DX will automatically lend you
(based on your portfolio amount) 80% to buy more increments
of Gold for your portfolio and you never have to pay them
back. After all, it is your money.

So if you have $100 in your portfolio, they will lend you
$80 to buy more gold so your portfolio will grow
immediately to $180 and you will be paid interest on that
amount in the next session. This process will continue
again and again. Within a month $100 will become $400,
$1000 will become $4200. Personally, I saw my own portfolio
jump from 11,000 to 26,000 dollars in less than 1 month.
That’s a $15,000 increase. This compounding effect is very

Lastly, let me share this with you. Once you have built a
sizeable Portfolio…which doesn’t take long working with
your console. DX Gold will approach you to become what is
know as an LDX….Licensed DX Merchant. This is when you are
assigned a Fortune 1000 company as your client and you
alone would act as
their private Money Merchant. This would amount to

I recently explained this business to a colleague - a keen
business entrepreneur who hadn’t made any serious income
from any of the online ventures he’d tried. He was now very
skeptical and fearful of all money-making programs.

This is what he wrote to me later:

"I don't know how to thank you enough for the
information you described to me over the phone the other
day, it helped me enormously!"

The following week he sent me this message:

"This account continues to build income everyday and
again last night – I’ve been trading for under an hour a
day and my account continues to grow at a very strong rate.
I finally found something that makes money. Thank you so
much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s brilliant!!!!!!!"

An Online Business - Affiliate Programs Make it Easier

If you ever had the desire to start your own online internet business from home, you may have never heard the word "affiliate programs" before. If you did come across this word before, you may also have found the affiliate program review opportunities available that are online are overwhelming. So Where do you begin?

Affiliate Programs - Know how

Affiliate programs may be the easiest online business to start running. Why?

With any online business you must have a product or service to sell. First you must create this product or service and then you must be able to fill orders or find people who will sell it for you for a hefty commission.

Selling your own product or service also means creating a website, learning how to write ad copy, setting up a marketing plan, being able to accept payments online and obviously doing the work. If you're selling a physical product then you will need to make or buy the item, package it and pay for shipping costs. If you provide a service than you will likely have to start by doing free jobs to build your credibility and then when you are charging for your service you are still limited by how much work you can actually handle.

The magic of affiliate programs

Starting with an affiliate program is a great way to get started in the online business world. In fact there are even some 'Super Affiliates' who are making a nice and comfortable full time incomes from affiliate programs.

So, what exactly are affiliate programs?

Affiliate programs allow you to sell another company's service or product and make a commission on every sale or lead. You do not even need to build a website, process the order, ship the product to the person, or anything like that. Your only job is to drive traffic (customers) to your affiliate link and hope that they click on it and buy the product.

An affiliate link is a special URL code that will identify customers coming to the company's site from your advertising. It will likely be the website address with a code attached to the end.

Some affiliate programs also have tiers. That means if someone who is interested in SELLING the product comes through your link and signs up you will also get a small percentage of THEIR earnings. This is also called internet network marketing.

How do you choose the right program?

Try to determine if people are buying or looking to buy that product or service online. Is it cheaper or more expensive. There are many sources for finding that information including free ones such as the Overture keyword tool.

When you have found an area that is popular then type the subject along with 'affiliate program' into your search engine and see which programs have services or products for that area. You can also use an affiliate program review directory.

When you have found a program that looks interesting you should read the terms of the program. Make sure that payouts are not based on a high commission earning or you may never see your money. Also try to choose programs with high commission rates. Often you will find ebooks and downloadable software has the highest rates as there is no physical product to make or ship. If you are satisfied with the terms then you need to sign up - usually a simple process.

Starting your marketing efforts

The reason affiliate programs are so wonderful for beginners and starters is that you only need to focus on marketing it and not making the actual product itself.

Many affiliate programs have information on how to market and give you tools such as solo ads, product feeds and more. The Plug In Profit Site is exactly what an affiliate program should be like. It has all the right tools to marketing online such as writing articles, creating pay-per-click campaigns, commenting in online forums etc.

Make Money Online: Work from the Comfort of Your Own Home

With so many ways to make money online, what is the best way to work from the comfort of your own home without breaking a sweat?

To make money online requires skill and patience. This article will reveal the essentials required to work from home as a full time "Megapreneur."

Quick riches lead to quick losses -- therefore the term "Megapreneur" relates the mindset required to analyse short, medium and long term goals required to accumulate wealth and build lasting profitable relationships on and off the web.

The key points to make money online start with capturing leads generated by promotional activites and following up with those leads. If this is not done traffic to your site is unlikely return. Some people may make the impulse buy, but most require adequate information to complete thier purchase. Repeat visits and repeat customer follow ups are essential for longevity of any work from home e-business venture.

To find customers, customers need to be able to find you. This can be achieved by being ever present at customer meeting spots and drawing thier attention. Pay per click, Search engine optimization, Free offers, Article writing and Press releases such as this one provide the opportunity to present goods and services to cater to a prospective customers needs and wants.

Copyrighting skills help to convey critical points and features to the prospect . The copy should also aim to overcome objections and to persuade readers at the same time. This same copy should also invoke feelings in the reader. The two most common are curiousity and urgency.

Risk reversal is also another powerful tool which can gain sceptical readers trust. Using the above tactics have been proven to turbo charge conversion rates. At the time of conversion an opportunity also arises for cross selling and upselling which further increases profits.

Next step is to start an affiliate program to reward people who can give you even more sales than would have otherwise been achieved. Offer a generous commission so your affiliates remember you as the best person to compensate them for thier efforts.

Joint venture partnerships can be forged if you are able to create a synergy which is mutually beneficial to both parties. What can you offer somebody that they are unable to achive without you? What can you gain by having them onboard your campaign? Answer these questions and your chances of making a JV deal will increase greatly.

This is just a sample of the actions required to be a successful "Megapreneur". And with the rise of information products comes the opportunity for common marketing techniques to be applied to an unlimited number of niches, so that people from all walks of life can make money online, if they have the staying power to succeed.